"I've been a patient at Shady Grove for over a year and have been seeing Dr. [B] since I switched from Dr. [A] back in October. I have had a wonderful experience since I made the switch. Thank you for your help with that matter!!
In my first meeting with Dr. [B], he mentioned the idea of me seeking outside counsel to help with the stress and my emotional state. I took his advice and joined a Resolve support group and found a therapist who specializes in fertility. After attending many sessions with my therapist I still felt the stress of my two miscarriages and two IUIs and the repeated lack of success. As I got ready to start my first round of IVF, through the suggestion of many friends, I sought out an acupuncturist. After countless phone calls, I found Jennifer Yeh from Sacred Lotus Acupuncture. She has her ABORM certificate and is a member of Resolve.
I am not into alternative medicine but I was willing to try anything! :-) After the first session with Jennifer I felt a HUGE amount of relief. I felt like a new person (what I had expected to feel after countless sessions of therapy). After my second session I cancelled all remaining appointments with my therapist and only saw Jennifer.
I truly feel one of the reasons I'm pregnant right now after one round of IVF was because of the stress relief I felt after my sessions with Jennifer.
I think it would be beneficial if Shady Grove had a list of acupuncturists their past clients have used and recommend. As you know, they compare the stress we go through to that of a cancer patient.
I have CCed Jennifer, she mentioned wanting to come to the office and possibly do a treatment session on some of the staff. This will give you the opportunity to experience the amazing results of her work and hopefully recommend her to Shady Grove patients".
PS. Just got my blood work back and my beta level is 834!! My nurse said they like to see anything over 100. [Jennifer has] helped more than I can express into words.
~ Danielle (Reprinted with patient's permission)


"My sleep deprivation was so debilitating! I had been suffering from chronic insomnia for several years, feeling drained and anxious as a result. Sleep meds didn't work well for me and I feared a dependency. After a few months of treatment with Jennifer I noticed that I was becoming sleepy earlier each night, able to fall asleep, and stay asleep for 7 - 8 hours. I feel so much more alive having regained energy and self confidence as a result of her treatments."
~Robbie N