Angelina Jolie Credits Acupuncture for Treating Her Bell's Palsy

In the current issue of Vanity Fair, Angeline Jolie is candid about how she developed Bell's Palsy in 2016 and turned to acupuncture for treatment.
As the author Eugenia Peretz writes, "Last year, in addition to hypertension, Jolie developed Bell’s palsy, a result of damage to facial nerves, causing one side of her face to droop. “Sometimes women in families put themselves last,” she says, “until it manifests itself in their own health.” Jolie credits acupuncture for her full recovery from the condition."
This candid revelation has led to discussions about the health conditions facing women who find themselves under constant stress, like Bell's Palsy, and the treatment opportunities that are out there - such as acupuncture. This candor even led to a short segment on today's Good Morning America program discussing this particular condition and the treatment options available for Bell's Palsy, including acupuncture, massage, and antiviral medications.
There are a number of reasons why someone may develop Bell's Palsy, whether from an infectious disease, stress, genetics or malfunctioning of the facial nerve. I have seen a number of patients come in with this disorder, due to a range of causes, and know just how effective and relieving acupuncture treatment can be. Acupuncture can help to stimulate both the facial muscles affected in the area as well as the facial nerves.